Senin, 27 Juni 2016

Teacher VS Student

Teachers are the persons who transfer their knowledge as clear as they can. For that reason, they deserve to get appreciation not punishment. Sometimes, they have to punish their students to build students character not for bullying them. Remember, when you can not read they teach you how to spell as well. Then, they teach you the way how to write step by step. And now, after you can master all lessons, it is easy for you to forget them, even some students mocking them as a joke. How poor the teachers are. Do not ever thing that teachers have got big salary or they have got highest position after teach you all. They have to struggle so hard to get those things. So, do not be too spoiled. The teachers have their own ways in teaching, the most important thing is they have the same purpose that is educate their student as well. Remember that.....

I am a university student, and someday I am going to be a teacher also. Of course I have some grievances to my lecture when something trouble happen, such got low score, got scolding from them, got ignorance and so on. But I do realize that someday I will treat my studet as my lecture has done. Because teaching is an art, so every teacher is permitted to use their own way in teaching. So everyone, please respect your teacher now, because we never know what will happen in the future. If you are lucky you can avoid that, but if not you will face the student who will treat you as same as you treat your teacher before.....

Thanks for reading and see you to the next story about education.......

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